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Updated To Version 1.7 - Azure Blob Storage For Storing Microsoft Dynamics 365 Attachments

In another post I talked about using Azure Blob Storage to store CRM attachments in Azure rather then in CRM.  Today I installed the app in a clients CRM system and found that Microsoft Labs updated the App to version 1.7.  This change had a lot of updates from UI to how to setup notes attachment movement.  Also they now allow for moving of existing attachments.  Here is the updated steps:

1) Go To AppSource
2) Install the Attachment Management App by clicking the "Get It Now" button under the image.
3) While its installing go to Azure and setup your blob storage account.
4) For each CRM instance you will need to setup 2 containers in your blob storage.  One is for email attachments and the other is for notes attachments.  So if you have a production instance and sandbox instance you will need to have 4 containers (DevEmails, DevNotes, ProdEmails, ProdNotes).  If you want to separate note attachments by entity, then create one container per entity.  The DevNotes or ProdNotes will be used as the default location, unless you specific a specific entity container for notes.
5) Still in Azure click on "Shared Access Signatures"  Here you will setup your SAS key.  Complete all sections and click on "Generate SAS".
6) Copy the SAS key, we will need it later.
7) Go back to CRM and check to make sure the attachment management app finished installing.
8) In setting -> Customization -> Solutions, click on publish all customization.
9) Refresh your screen.
10) You will see a new link in the navigation bar for Azure Attachment Storage. Click on it and then on Azure Attachment Storage Setup.
11) Fill in the fields.
      - Name = The name of the blob storage account in Azure
      - SAS Token = Get this from step 6
      - Notes Attachment Container = Name of the container in Azure
      - Email Attachment Container = Name of the container in Azure
12) Click Confirm.
13) Go back to the navigation bar and click on Notes Attachment Entity Settings.  Here is where you choose what entities you want to upload notes attachments to azure.  You must choose each entity.  If you setup multiple containers in step 4 then you need to specify those here. ***ANYTHING WITH ADX_ IN THE ENTITY NAME SKIP.  DO NOT ADD THESE TO MOVE THE ATTACHMENTS TO AZURE.  IT WILL BREAK YOUR CRM PORTAL.*** I did notice that if I selected all at once the page did seem to hang.  So I did it in groups and it worked fine.  Make sure to leave all entities selected that you want to automatically move attachments for.  Once unselected they will stop moving.
That's it, your setup is now complete.

If you need to move existing attachments to Azure then do the following:
1) In the navigation click on Azure Attachment Storage and the on Reports and admin.
2) Choose what you want to move in the left hand column and click  on Move to Blob.  You should see the number on the left decrease and the number on the right increase.

For additional information including setting up bulk attachment upload see the User Guide.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My customer wanted to migrate data from Dynamics 365 to Azure Storage and followed this instruction to set up. However, after clicking on move to blob, nothing happens. Could you please help my customer find out how to migrate the existing data? Thanks.

    1. After inputting the information in step 11 did you set the entities in step 13. Also check the SAS connection string, it could be the the connection string is incorrect. I know in Azure you will see an SAS connection string, you cna't use this one, you have to build a new one and it has to include a date time for start and end. For start go one day in the past and then extend it out as far you want to.

    2. Thanks for your help. My customer has managed to get the process working and has some feedback.
      “When the point 13 section is performed with the documentation snippet that you had provided, the entities must be left selected.”

    3. Thank you for the feedback. I have added that information to step 13. Glad it is working for you.

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